Welcome to #SurplusWater2025

A community of water stewards, working together to raise water awareness, saving every drop and together, aiming for surplus water in South Africa. Join us!

Litres Water Saved

Water Stewards Trained

Water Savvy Schools 

Why water matters

Thank you for taking Water Matters seriously.

Only when we understand Water's true value, and fundamentally change and restore our relationship with Water, can we begin to make a REAL difference by working together to save water, one drop at a time.
Write your awesome label here.

You are the Change

Step 1: Learn

Learning why water matters and listening to the stories Water has lived through, is the best way to understand the situation Water is facing. We invite you to be curious, take the first step and sign up for Water Matters 101. Let's Learn! 

Step 2: Act

We believe the most effective (and only, really) way to make an impact is by WORKING TOGETHER. It starts with changing our behaviour and turning daily water-wise choices into water smart habits. Let's do this!

Step 3: Share

Water needs each of us to be a Water Ambassador, Steward and Champion. Spread the word, raise awareness, rally the troops and live the example. Do you have any tips, hacks or stories you want to share?
Let's Connect!

A growing movement

The #SurplusWater2025 movement has a growing community of dedicated companies and individuals joining the cause. Together, we can ARE doING this!
Join the growing list of partners, make a difference and showcase your WATER ACTION RESULTS.

Contributing Partners

Partners making a difference by reducing their water footprint.

Product & Service Partners

With a variety of skills and expertise, these partners provide sustainable water solutions.

Awareness, CSI & Action Partners

Partners making a difference by spreading awareness and taking action through movements, NPO's and special projects.

Ready to join?

Thank you!
#WaterWisdom - in the words of our community

What does water mean to you?

Water to me means the world and without water, I am nothing.
Changing my own water using habits had to be the very first step in making a change in the world.
If you think every drop counts, you need to know where every drop goes.
Write your awesome label here.
why water matters

It is within everyone's power to use only the water you need.

Start the Water conversation
Take action by doing what you can
Encourage each other
Share the Stories of Water
Step 1: learn

Water Matters 101

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